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What Happens Next?
If you are shortlisted for interview you will receive an email from us letting you know you have been successful. This will then be followed by an email inviting you to an interview either at the Roundhouse, via zoom or over the phone. You will usually hear back from us within a week of the closing date. The process is usually made up of first and second round interviews.

Preparing for the interview
We will sometimes ask interviewees to prepare small tasks in preparation for their interview. Unless you have been asked via email to prepare anything for your interview before hand you do not need to bring anything but yourself to the interview. Our dress code is smart casual.

If you are successfully chosen for the role you will hear back directly from your new line manager within a few days of your interview, followed by HR via email.

If you are unsuccessful this time around we will let you know within a week of your interview via email and are happy to provide you with feedback upon request.

Membership and Operations Manager- Workspace for Young Creatives Known as internally - Workspace Membership Manager

Job Sector:
Youth Policy & Engagement
£38,480 per annum
Employment Type:
Hours of Work:
35 hours per week (excluding breaks)
Ref No:

Food and Beverage Manager

Job Sector:
Food & Beverage
£34,320 per annum
Employment Type:
Hours of Work:
35 hours per week (excluding breaks)
Ref No: